What's New at HI Horse Farm
March 26th, 2008 New colt born - "Tebow"
See 2008 Foals page for more info
February 29, 2008 New filly born - "Fiona" See 2008 Foals page for more info.
November, 2007
HI Horse Farm Ponies WIN at the 2007 Florida Pony Breeders Assoc. Futurity!
HI A Leah is won the two year old class as well as Best Young Pony of the show!
Harriette The Spy won the weanling class at her first horse show!
HI Ho Sylvia is 3rd in the largest class of the show in the yearlings.
Pictures soon...
September, 2007
Hi A Leah is leading Zone 4 in the Two Year Old Pony Hunter Breeding. Looks like she will follow in her big sisters
January, 2007 Hi Fidelity wins the 2006 Zone 4 Champion in 3 Year Old Pony Breeding!!!
Pictured below: Mona Cayce (Yearling Pony Breeding Champion) Donna Robertson ( 2 Year Old Pony Breeding Reserve
Champion and 3rd in Yearling Pony Breeding) Melissa Montevideo (3 Year Old Pony Breeder Champion)

December 15, 2006
Hi Horse Farm bred ponies did VERY well at the FPBA Futurity. Two 1sts , two 2nds, and 3rd. Also Hi A Leah was Reserve
Champion in the Best Young Pony Class.
Click on picture below for more results and pictures.
November 27, 2006
RosMel's Hi Tide arrived.
Look for him out and about on the line in 2007.
Thank you Rosie at RosMel Welsh Pony Farm.

Click here for pictures
October, 2006
Sunday Morning Jazz was sold to the Drenth family in Riverview.
Special thanks to Jana Grimm at Galaxy Farm.
Good luck to Brittany and Jazz at the horse shows!
We want pictures!!!
June 7, 2006
Naomi was born! She is out of Evie (TB) and by Smoke Tree Silver Dragon.
She is Chestnut with a blaze, three stockings and a small sock.
Pictures on the 2006 foal page.
June 5, 2006
"Teddy" was born! Teddy is a Welsh/British Riding Pony out of
Oktober Skies Berenice and by Glenmore Something Blue.
He is very cute with a big blaze and two socks in front and
two stockings behind. He is chestnut with some roaning now
and we aren't sure if he will turn grey or stay chestnut/red roan.
Pictures on the 2006 foal page.
March 23, 2006
Hi Ho Silvia was born. Silvi is a very special filly as she was born on
my grandmothers birthday and was therefore named for her.
Silvi is a matched pair with her full sister Leah from last year (down to the little half pastern sock on her non stocking
Can't wait to show this one at the FPBA Futurity!!
Pictures on the 2006 foal page.
November 2005 HI Fidelity is reserve champion in Pony Hunter Breeding in the
2005 RMI Hunter Breeding Series Standings!!! Watch for her and her full sister next year.
July, 2005 All of our babies have been born. Two fillies and a colt. Can't wait
to show on the line next year!! All of our mares are checked in foal for next year. Check out our 2006 expected foals
page to see the crosses we have coming in 2006. New pictures coming this spring after the woolies have shed out.
May 2005 HI Fidelity is named best young pony at the Ocala "RMI" "A" show!! We
had so many people come up to us and ask about her. It's good to know other people think she's as special as we do!!
March 2005 Our first baby of the year has arrived!!! HI Foolutin and HI Fidelity's
full sister was born around 10pm on Saturday, March 12. 2005. See our youngstock page for pictures of HI A Leah.